Lets see how we can read the csv data [in my case from LFS] and converting the RDD to Dataframe using case class.
Sample Data:-
At first lets read the file,
scala> val rdd1=sc.textFile("file:///home/cloudera/Desktop/Sampledata")
[if you want to read from hdfs just add hdfs://hostname:8020/user/cloudera/Sampledata]
lets define the schema for the dataset using case class
scala> case class dataSchema(id: Int, name: String, wName: String,place: String,age: Int)
After successfully defining the case class, lets map the schema to the rdd.
scala> val newdataset1 = rdd1.map(line =>line.split(",")).map(record => dataSchema record(0).trim.toInt, record(1), record(2), record(3), record(4).trim.toInt)).toDF()
Here, we are applying the schema which we created using case class into the RDD rdd1,
scala> newdataset1.show() [it will show you the data]
Screen Shot:-
Also we can register the dataset as table and query accordingly.
lets register dataset to table in spark.
scala> newdataset1.registerTempTable("Newtbl")
The given dataset [newdataset1] is now registered as Newtbl .
lets query the table using sql syntax.
scala> newdataset1.sqlContext.sql("select * from Newtbl where age>33").collect.foreach(println)
This will run the sql query and print the output.. we can do many complex tasks in easy manner.
Sample Data:-
At first lets read the file,
scala> val rdd1=sc.textFile("file:///home/cloudera/Desktop/Sampledata")
[if you want to read from hdfs just add hdfs://hostname:8020/user/cloudera/Sampledata]
lets define the schema for the dataset using case class
scala> case class dataSchema(id: Int, name: String, wName: String,place: String,age: Int)
After successfully defining the case class, lets map the schema to the rdd.
scala> val newdataset1 = rdd1.map(line =>line.split(",")).map(record => dataSchema record(0).trim.toInt, record(1), record(2), record(3), record(4).trim.toInt)).toDF()
Here, we are applying the schema which we created using case class into the RDD rdd1,
scala> newdataset1.show() [it will show you the data]
Screen Shot:-
Also we can register the dataset as table and query accordingly.
lets register dataset to table in spark.
scala> newdataset1.registerTempTable("Newtbl")
The given dataset [newdataset1] is now registered as Newtbl .
lets query the table using sql syntax.
scala> newdataset1.sqlContext.sql("select * from Newtbl where age>33").collect.foreach(println)
This will run the sql query and print the output.. we can do many complex tasks in easy manner.